Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trip to Arkansas!

On May 21st Kiana got to experience her first airplane ride to go watch her Auntie Hanna graduate from high school. She did so good on the plane, all I had to do was feed her right before we took off and she slept the rest of the way. After being on many planes with screaming babies I was very nervous, but we couldn't have asked for a better traveler. Below are some of the pictures we took in Arkansas.

This is how she spent her first airplane ride.

We had a connection in Texas and on the second flight we had the whole row to ourselves. They must have saw us coming. :) She got to try out her own seat during the few minutes she was awake.

Hanna had both of her nieces at her graduation. Kathleen and Michael had their baby girl Hailey just three weeks before! It was hard to believe Kiana was that little not long ago.

Kiana really loved her Auntie Hanna, she could really make her smile!

Here are both girls wearing their "My Auntie Loves Me" t-shirts!

Grant and his little mini me!

Me with baby Hailey

Kiana also enjoyed spending time with her Grandma Denese again.

Kiana found a new friend, the turtle ottoman!

Here are the girls showing off their new headbands their Grandma Nesee got them, aren't they cute!

Here are some more pictures taken that weekend!

She's tired out from all the fun and traveling!

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