Monday, May 31, 2010

It's MaMa!

We have had a great time traveling to Arkansas and Missouri the last week. That's why there has been a lack of recent posts. I have many pictures to share and hope to post them tomorrow, but for now I was excited to show everyone that Kiana has learned to say mama! Over the last week she has been working on it, but has been mixing together a lot of "ba la ga ah and ma's". She has been getting better and I swear while I was at my dad's in Missouri she said mama after I leaned over to pick her up off the floor. It was kind of mumbled but I heard it and it wasn't mixed with anything else. She seems to only say it when she is bored and trying to get my attention, which I'll gladly take over her bored cries. Yesterday she got the mama down a lot better, so much so that Grant stopped being in denial and started to walk with her around the house trying to get her to say dada all day. He got one da out of her this morning so I'm sure it won't be long. We went over to Great Grandma Wilma's today and I took this video while we were playing! Enjoy!


erin said...

Yay, Kiana! She is too cute. Now she and Colin can have a discussion about their crazy parents when they meet in a few weeks. :)

Grandma Mary said...

Kiana has such a sweet little angle voice.

You can see by the look in her face that she really loves her Ma Ma.