Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rolly Polly, Attitude and Eating Update!

Kiana has turned into quite the the rolly polly over the last couple of weeks. It seems like overnight she has gone from hating being on her stomach, to constantly rolling onto her stomach. She also learned that rolling over can get her somewhere or to something that she wants, until of course she gets stopped by the couch or coffee table. I guess it's definitely time to start baby proofing soon!

Kiana also has seemed to have gotten a little demanding attitude since we came back from Missouri. It's been over two weeks and she still has yet to sleep more then 6 hours at night and most those nights she will refuse to sleep in her crib. She was sleeping 10 hours since she was about 3 and a half months old. She is definitely getting older and realizing that she enjoyed sleeping with mommy while we were gone to MO. I guess it couldn't be as easy as the first time we were away, where after spending almost 3 weeks in MN/IA two months ago it only took one night for her to go back to her original routine.

She is definitely starting to get separation anxiety now. She has been refusing to go take naps unless you hold her the whole time, she gets instantly upset if you leave the room and leave her alone, and she is refusing to sleep in her crib at night. She could be dead asleep snoring in your arms, but the second you try to put her down she starts screaming. So we have decided she is old enough to start letting her cry it out. The first night it took almost an hour before she fell asleep. I couldn't go more then 15 minutes at a time without letting her know we were still there. The next day it only took 15 minutes before she took a nap on her own, and tonight she fell asleep after 20 minutes of just pouty crying. I hate hearing her cry, but I think it's working.

Kiana has been doing a good job learning to eat over the past two weeks. So far she's had yellow squash (that didn't go over too well), sweet potatoes, rice cereal and peas. I think were going to try bananas and applesauce next. Besides for the squash she seems to have liked everything else so far. Although she still hasn't quite figured out how to eat, she wants to just lick the spoon. When she does open her mouth for us, at least half of it gets pushed right back out again. Here are some recent pictures of her enjoying meal time.

Just a couple of cute pictures we took while playing.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

She is super cute!!!