Thursday, June 3, 2010

6 Months Old and New Firsts!!!!

We can't believe our little girl is already a half a year old. Time is definitely going by way too fast! I was just saying last week that Kiana hasn't done a whole lot in the last month and a half, since learning that she can reach to grab onto things. Well she must have heard me and thought, I'll show you mom, because in just this last week she has had many new firsts. On Saturday she stood on her own (that was scary and unexpected first) and on Sunday she learned to say mama and roll over from back to stomach. Then on Tuesday she started to eat grown up food. It's been a busy week for her, and on top of that we're pretty sure she is going to break a tooth soon. She has gone from sucking to chewing on everything, especially her hands. She also loves to chew on her cold teething rings. Check out our little girl below, she's growing up too fast!

Oh oh...we've found the blocks!

Here are a couple pictures of Kiana standing on her own. This was on Saturday, the last day we were in Missouri. The little rocking chair was perfect height for her, and she had a really good grip on the dolls dress. I sat there and watched for a few minutes thinking she was just leaning against my dad, but when he said no and backed away she continued to stand there for a good ten minutes. She would turn around to look at us every once and awhile. I shouldn't have been too surprised by this she has always loved standing. Now we just need to get her to learn to sit on her butt on her own, that usually comes first. More pictures from our trip will follow.

Below are the pictures from Tuesday when we gave Kiana grown up food for the first time. Her first meal Squash! YUCK!!! For now she seems to feel the same way. She'll have to eat this for four days then on on Saturday we'll try sweet potatoes.

She seems a little skeptic on what we are about to do to her! She's pondering, "What the heck are they about to do to me?"

"Wait what is this?"

"I'm not sure if I like this!"

"Yeah I really don't think I like this!"

"I definitely don't like this!" She's is daddy!

"If you think you're shoving any more of that in my mouth you guys are crazy!"

"I don't know how to swallow yet, this stuff is making me gag!"

"Seriously I've had enough of this!"

1 comment:

erin said...

The series of pictures of Kiana eating is hilarious. Will and I were cracking up reading the post.