Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Walking Videos!

Kiana has been changing dramatically in the last couple of weeks, it's almost hard to believe. She won't do anything new in months, then all of a sudden she does tons of new things in a matter of days! It seems to be her trend! She's gotten so much better with walking behind her alligator push toy we barely have to spot her anymore. She's doing better at walking around our coffee table and she constantly wants to walk with you around the house, meaning mom is getting lots of exercise. In the last couple of weeks she has also became very cuddly, which we love! She can give high fives, which she loves! Grant taught her to raise both hands above her head when he says "touchdown," but still only when she's in the mood. She has learned how to use sign language to say "more" and "all done," although she never seems to be all done anymore so I don't see it unless I say all done to her.,She has also put two vowels together to now say "da-dy". She doesn't say "hey" anymore to little kids, all she says now is "da-dy" to everyone and everything, which makes Grants day when he comes home from work and she turns to him as soon as she sees him and says "da-dy." I only get my mama's now when she's really upset or tired.

We took the following videos of Kiana on the 20th when she first started walking behind her alligator on her own for the first time. You'll notice every time she passes by the outlet she gets distracted and has to stop to check it out! She also found her little girl scream about a week ago, now she seems to think that it is easier to push when you make noises!

She does this funny smile now where she tucks her face into her shoulders. It's almost like a bashful smile, but we think she does it because when she did it for the first time we laughed so hard she now likes to see our reactions.

The following videos we took yesterday, notice how much faster Kiana is walking in just one week. She also has no problem pushing her alligator toy on carpet now! Kiana seems to have a growing trend in all her clothes, she walks right out of her pants.

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