Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Creeping and Standing!!!

She so proud of herself when she's standing! She knows she's turning into a big girl now. Here's some pictures from the other night. She must be getting even taller, because the table doesn't seem as tall anymore.

Our next shopping trip is going to get some baby proofing tools. She thinks the knobs on our table are her toys and doesn't understand why mommy doesn't want her opening the drawers.

When her toes aren't curled under like above she loves standing on her tiptoes!

Kiana has been trying a lot of new foods in the last month, broccoli, pasta, yogurt and cottage cheese. She seemed to have found a new facial expression the other night while enjoying some pasta stars! After about the 20th time we had to go get the camera!
Look at me I can do this, although the food keeps falling on me!
Kiana has seemed to mastered the army crawl in the last day, and we're still anticipating her to get on her knees anytime now. She gets up on all fours and still rocks her knees back and forth, but hasn't mastered pushing off with her hands yet without falling forward.
She's almost off!

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