Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cousin time in Iowa

Will, Erin, and Colin were going to visit Grammy Cindy in Iowa the last week Grant was in Florida so Kiana and I decided to visit for a few days as well. She sure got a lot of traveling in this month, mommy is worn out. Two benefits have come from all this traveling though. As soon as we got back to CO Kiana started taking two naps a day, for almost two hours each. She's also back to sleeping through the night again. For a little while she went back to waking up at 4am each morning. Kiana had a good time with Colin, when of course he'd sit still long enough to play with her. Below are a ton of pictures from our trip to Iowa.

The first day we were there we went to check out the pigs. Spencer and Garrett are sending some to the State Fair, so they have to get up every morning until the fair to "walk" them.

Spencer was Kiana's buddy the whole time we were there.

Cleaning up after playing at the farm!

It was so hot and humid that when it started down pouring I couldn't resist playing in it. Kiana was so happy she was jumping in my arms. We also don't get rain like this in Colorado that I figured it would be fun for her.

Snuggling with Spencer after playing in the rain!

Kiana loved Grammy's highchair, she can put her feet up. Someday we'll tell her it's not polite to put your feet on the table!

Hanging out with the guys!

The kids even got to go and see some baby pigs!

Playing with Great Grandma Lois! Colin loved to put the toy animals through the holes of the cabinet. He thought it was a shape sorter.

Kiana got used to being pushed around by her Great Grandma Wilma on her walker, so when Colin started pushing Great Grandpa Shorty's walker around Kiana got excited and wanted a ride like she gets back in Colorado.

We tried to have a mini birthday party for Colin, but he was pretty tired and wasn't too interested in the cake. He only took a couple clean bites, he didn't make the mess they were hoping for.

Tired out from all the festivities.

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