Sunday, June 20, 2010

Master of Distruction!

So Kiana usually sleeps on the left side of her crib, and all of her stuffed animals are usually on the right side. She only ever faces the other way when we put her in her crib to play. Occasionally over the last few months we have found her to have flipped herself around in the night so that her feet are where her head is normally. This morning though, I guess she woke up and wanted to play with all her stuffed animals. Below is how I found her.


I put them all back to show you how she normally sleeps, I guess now that she can roll over nothings to far away. Her stuffed animals are going to have to find a new home.

It didn't take long for her to want to go back to where she left off.

Just a few pictures of her playing.

We've been working more on sitting up. She's been getting a lot better. As long as she is hunched over I feel more confident on stepping away enough to take a picture.

Our problem is that she love to sit perfectly straight. I can't be too upset that she has perfect posture! It only lasts a few seconds though before she tips over or straightens her legs out and goes backwards.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Congratulations Grant!

We are very proud of Grant who was recently awarded the Rookie of the Year. Apparently this is one of the most prestigious awards that you can receive, since you only have one shot at it. Congratulations Grant!

The above picture is of Grant receiving his award from his warden, Warden Wands!

Grant and I took Kiana to the park the other day. Kiana got to swing on her own for the first time!

Rolly Polly, Attitude and Eating Update!

Kiana has turned into quite the the rolly polly over the last couple of weeks. It seems like overnight she has gone from hating being on her stomach, to constantly rolling onto her stomach. She also learned that rolling over can get her somewhere or to something that she wants, until of course she gets stopped by the couch or coffee table. I guess it's definitely time to start baby proofing soon!

Kiana also has seemed to have gotten a little demanding attitude since we came back from Missouri. It's been over two weeks and she still has yet to sleep more then 6 hours at night and most those nights she will refuse to sleep in her crib. She was sleeping 10 hours since she was about 3 and a half months old. She is definitely getting older and realizing that she enjoyed sleeping with mommy while we were gone to MO. I guess it couldn't be as easy as the first time we were away, where after spending almost 3 weeks in MN/IA two months ago it only took one night for her to go back to her original routine.

She is definitely starting to get separation anxiety now. She has been refusing to go take naps unless you hold her the whole time, she gets instantly upset if you leave the room and leave her alone, and she is refusing to sleep in her crib at night. She could be dead asleep snoring in your arms, but the second you try to put her down she starts screaming. So we have decided she is old enough to start letting her cry it out. The first night it took almost an hour before she fell asleep. I couldn't go more then 15 minutes at a time without letting her know we were still there. The next day it only took 15 minutes before she took a nap on her own, and tonight she fell asleep after 20 minutes of just pouty crying. I hate hearing her cry, but I think it's working.

Kiana has been doing a good job learning to eat over the past two weeks. So far she's had yellow squash (that didn't go over too well), sweet potatoes, rice cereal and peas. I think were going to try bananas and applesauce next. Besides for the squash she seems to have liked everything else so far. Although she still hasn't quite figured out how to eat, she wants to just lick the spoon. When she does open her mouth for us, at least half of it gets pushed right back out again. Here are some recent pictures of her enjoying meal time.

Just a couple of cute pictures we took while playing.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Trip to Missouri!

After our trip to Arkansas to watch Hanna graduate, Kiana and I took a trip up to stay with my dad in Missouri for the rest of the week. We were so grateful that my dad and Maxine were willing to drive the six or so hours to come pick us up. We figured since we were at least in that part of the country why not make a bigger trip out of it. Grant had to get back to work so her pretty much flew in and flew out for the weekend. Below are a bunch of pictures that were taking during the week we were there.

Here is Kiana with her Grandma Maxine, she seemed awfully tired the next day after the long drive. This was odd since she slept most the way. Kiana took a little while to get used to the humidity in MO and AR. In Colorado there's no humidity so whether it's 50 degrees or 90 degrees it all kind of feels the same when the sun's shinning. So the humidity was an odd shock, she was extra thirsty and it took me a couple days to catch up to her needs.

Kiana got to meet a lot more Aunt's and Uncle's this week. My brother Mike, his wife Mary, Maxine's brother Robert and his wife Deanna all live in Jefferson City.

Here she is having fun with her Uncle Mike!

Just hanging out at Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary's!

We went to the local nature center one day, Kiana slept the first time we walked through so we had to go back and show her all the cool animals. I guess this Mountain Lion was hit by a car just 15 miles from Jefferson City! Odd, he must have really been lost!

She knew she was going to meet some fish friends, so she wore her fish outfit especially for the occasion.

Maxine's parents Ralph and Marie also live in Jefferson City, so she got to spend time and meet more Great-Grandparents!

Just another picture of her standing on her own!

She's just about the exact same size as the doll that was sitting in the chair!

The last couple days the humidity dropped so we went for an evening stroll around one of the lakes. There was a part there so Kiana got to take her first ride down a slide!

They didn't have any baby swings so she got to swing with me! She seemed to have a good time!

We were flying out of Kansas City on the way home and Grammy Cindy just happened to be flying into the airport earlier that day. She had just spent the week with Will, Erin and Colin in D.C. She she flew in earlier then I had to take off we went to the airport a few hours earlier so she could spend a little bit of time with Kiana.

Here she is just wondering, "Grammy how do you see through those?"

Kiana was such a good little traveler, the flight home was two hours long and she slept the whole time!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

6 Months Old and New Firsts!!!!

We can't believe our little girl is already a half a year old. Time is definitely going by way too fast! I was just saying last week that Kiana hasn't done a whole lot in the last month and a half, since learning that she can reach to grab onto things. Well she must have heard me and thought, I'll show you mom, because in just this last week she has had many new firsts. On Saturday she stood on her own (that was scary and unexpected first) and on Sunday she learned to say mama and roll over from back to stomach. Then on Tuesday she started to eat grown up food. It's been a busy week for her, and on top of that we're pretty sure she is going to break a tooth soon. She has gone from sucking to chewing on everything, especially her hands. She also loves to chew on her cold teething rings. Check out our little girl below, she's growing up too fast!

Oh oh...we've found the blocks!

Here are a couple pictures of Kiana standing on her own. This was on Saturday, the last day we were in Missouri. The little rocking chair was perfect height for her, and she had a really good grip on the dolls dress. I sat there and watched for a few minutes thinking she was just leaning against my dad, but when he said no and backed away she continued to stand there for a good ten minutes. She would turn around to look at us every once and awhile. I shouldn't have been too surprised by this she has always loved standing. Now we just need to get her to learn to sit on her butt on her own, that usually comes first. More pictures from our trip will follow.

Below are the pictures from Tuesday when we gave Kiana grown up food for the first time. Her first meal Squash! YUCK!!! For now she seems to feel the same way. She'll have to eat this for four days then on on Saturday we'll try sweet potatoes.

She seems a little skeptic on what we are about to do to her! She's pondering, "What the heck are they about to do to me?"

"Wait what is this?"

"I'm not sure if I like this!"

"Yeah I really don't think I like this!"

"I definitely don't like this!" She's is daddy!

"If you think you're shoving any more of that in my mouth you guys are crazy!"

"I don't know how to swallow yet, this stuff is making me gag!"

"Seriously I've had enough of this!"