Monday, January 25, 2010

New Pictures and Her Closet!

I've been told by a few that I have been slacking on new pictures of Kiana! Sorry!!!!! Here are some that were taken recently. Last week Kiana started to give us some real smiles! She's been smiling at us since she was born, but I think we started to get some true smiles from her last week!!! It is very exciting to watch her begin to get more of a personality and understand what it going on around her now that she can focus better.

When Kiana was 5 weeks old I started to put her newborn clothes away and realized that I hadn't washed any 3 month outfits yet. So while I washed her 3 months clothes and put away the newborn Kiana took a nap under the blankets. This was probably the first time she was ok with being naked, and actually fell asleep!

I was told that I forgot to include an important part of her nursery in the last post, her closet! As you can see this little girl probably has more clothes then Grant and I combined! It's too bad she's growing out of them faster then we would like! Below is the left half of her closet.
Here's the right side of her closet!


C Brown said...

I love in all the pictures of her sleeping she as her one arm by her head its so cute.

erin said...

The sleeping pictures are wonderful. Kiana looks so teeny tiny!

Alyssa said...

She does look tiny! She looks so peaceful in those sleeping pics. Her closet is great; full of clothes and toys!

LB said...

She is just adorable!! Awake or asleep she is precious! I can see that she is in desperate need for clothes as well!! : )