Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two Months Old!!!!!

Kiana turned two months old today, we can't believe how time is flying!!!! Her main milestones this month are that she started smiling back at us for real and started cooing. We have found out that she is definitely a morning person, since she is the most smiley and talkative first thing in the morning. We tried to take these early in the day when she's in the best mood, but it must not have been early enough since it took about 20 minutes of dad dancing around her to get her to smile in the picture below. This morning Kiana weighed 11 pounds exactly and is 21.75 inches long. That means she's in the 35th percentile for weight and 17th percentile for length. She's growing strong, but will probably be short like her mom.


erin said...

She is starting to look like a little person and not a tiny baby! What an adorable smile.

Alyssa said...

So cute!

LB said...

I feel like she was just born and now she is two months!! Gosh, time is flying!!! She is adorable!!

Unknown said...

Kiana is a beautiful and happy little baby. Love the red chair.