Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend Visitors and Hiking!

Last weekend Kiana was lucky enough to have more visitors. Her uncle Will made the trip out from D.C., and my best friend from MN, Heather, came out as well. It was a holiday weekend so it was the best time for both of them, unfortunately it was still a very short trip. While Will was here he was nice enough to help Grant put more insulation in our attic, something we keep saying were going to do every winter since we moved in our home. It's finally nice to have that done, hopefully it will help keep the heat in a little more. Thanks again for your help Will, we all really appreciate it. Hopefully well all be able to get together soon so Kiana can play with her cousin Colin!

We also got to try out our baby carrier last weekend. Heather and I took a trip up to Colorado Springs to walk around the Garden of the Gods. The park wasn't as big as we thought so we decided to take the long way back to the car. We must have read the park map wrong, because the road we thought circled around the park was actually heading us back into town. We eventually found the right road, but ended up walking and extra 5 miles or so through the hills. So we definitely took the long way back to our car, but Kiana didn't seem to mind as she slept in her carrier the entire time.

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