Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Swim Lessons!

Kiana started swim lessons a couple weeks ago. The few time she's been swimming before, she seemed to love the water. So we figured we'd just get her a little more ready for our trip to Hawaii next month. Kiana seems to love it and relaxes in the water when I'm with her alone. Although once we get into the class and there are others around she gets really distracted and stiffens up. She hasn't disliked anyone in a long time, but whenever the teacher tries to take her she freaks out and clings to me. She's getting a little better each time, but at least we know she'll do good in the pool in Hawaii!

When were alone before class starts she's relaxed and will stretch her arms to paddle and kick with her legs. Once class starts she seems to want to cling to me.

Kiana got dunked for the first time this night. She seemed to do really good, but I think it was because she was really shocked at what had just happened. They were quick to move on to something else to distract them away from being scared.

Kiana's gotten really good at jumping in on her own!

She's supposed to be practicing pushing off, but instead she didn't want to let go of the side!

Kiana decided she was done with swim lessons, so here she is trying to climb out and escape!

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