Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Kiana!!!

Happy Birthday Kiana! It has been a fun filled weekend for Kiana! Our little girl has grown up so much in the last month. At her appointment this month she weighed 16 pounds 13 ounces and measured 27.25 inches. She's still a little munchkin, but at least this month were back on the scale. She's currently in the 3rd percentile for weight and the 10th for length. At her 9 month appointment she fell below the scale for weight and was barely in the 3rd percentile for length. This month has been big for her, because she took her first independent step a couple weeks ago. So we're now in the early walking stages, scary! She's taken up to 7 steps on her own, but as soon as she gets close to you she likes to just dive into you.

She's also gotten good at patty cake! She does it on her own now too, or at least to the rolling What we have enjoyed the most is that she also has become an extremely loving little girl. If you ask her to give you, her dolls or any of her toys a hug she'll lean her head into yours or on your chest.

On Kiana's birthday she got to try cake for the first time. When we went to the store she got really excited when she saw a Dora cake, so that's what she got! She actually didn't like it too much. The frosting was better then the cake, but I'm pretty sure she had more fun just playing and destroying the cake!

For Kiana's first birthday she actually got her first car! She was so excited about her Barbie Jeep, just wait till she realizes she can actually drive it! I'm sure this won't come to good use till this summer, but it was something we couldn't pass us!

Here are some older pictures from the last week. For Thanksgiving Kiana got a real plate of food, she was a real fan of the cranberry sauce! She also got to try turkey for the first time, up until now Kiana has been a vegetarian.
Here she is checking out her new soccer slippers.

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