Friday, April 30, 2010

Trip to MN part 2

Below are some more pictures taken while we were visiting Kiana's Grandma Mary. My mom has a little netbook, Kiana just loved it and now seems obsessed with playing with the keys on our laptops. We just might have to find her a baby laptop at some point!

"Milk a what?"

Our E-trade baby in action!
She's definitely a girl...she loved my mom's watch. She was always trying to pull it off her wrist.

Don't let go!
We got to spend some time with my cousin Liz and her little girl Alexandra! The girls are almost exactly a year apart. Alex's birthday is only 13 days after Kiana's.

So this is the third year in a row that I haven't seen our tulips at our own house, so at least we got to enjoy the ones at my moms!

Kiana took her first trip to the zoo this week. She loved watching the monkeys swing on the ropes, but she couldn't keep up with them running around. She kept getting frustrated that she couldn't follow them and they kept disapearing. These ones below hung out to say hi for a little while.
Going back for more then just a few days meant I got to spend time with a few friends. Below are my friends Heather and Regina from high school. Unfortunately I don't get to see them too often, but I love that we still manage to stay close.

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