Friday, April 30, 2010

Trip to MN part 1

Sorry I haven't updated this in so long. We took a trip back to MN and IA so Kiana could meet more family, and I pretty much avoided the computer while I was away. She got to meet so many of our aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and she even three of her great grandparents! Kiana and I took the long drive to MN together then Grant met us after a week and the three of us drove down to IA for another week before taking the long drive back home again. We were going to fly but since we were gone for so long it seemed nicer to have my car, then I could bring more of Kiana's stuff to remind her of home. She did really well...although if she was just one month younger I don't think she would have done so good. Last month she started grabbing onto her toys, so once she got tired of sleeping after the first six hours of the drive she was able to entertain herself with her toys...till she fell back asleep again of course. She has had a big month this month. The first week we were gone she learned how to reach and grab for things. So this lead to her finding her feet! Since she can reach for things now she likes to grab your face...especially your nose! There are some pictures below while we were in MN. I took them from my phone to send to daddy while we were away.

Here's the first time she grabbed her foot! Now that she figured it out it's the only position she wants to be in. Diaper changes have become a little challenging.

Good Morning Daddy! MN humidity does wonders for the hair!

Another morning picture Mom!

We saw these while at the mall and couldn't resit. We would have gotten her a pair, but she couldn't see through them and kept trying to look up through the top of them.

Kiana, my mom and I drove to Willmar for a few days so we could visit my grandma Verna, Kiana's enjoyed meeting her great-grandma. My grandma has tons of grandkids and many great grandchildren, even great granddaughters, but Kiana is actually the first 4th generation female. My grandma has six kids, but only two daughters. My aunt had a daughter, but my cousin had a son, my godson Ethan! So Kiana is the first great granddaugther of a granddaughter of one of her daughters! Did I confuse you yet? Kiana has figured out the smiling on demand yet, so she's not smiling in most of her pictures with others. Were not going to make people sit and smile for 5 minutes to wait for one.

We went over to visit with my uncle Bob and Aunt Jane the first night we were in town. She was worn out by then...too much traveling!

My cousin Kelsey and her son Ethan, my godson, came over the next day. It's always nice to visit with them when were in town!

I can't believe how big Ethan has gotten, it doesn't seem that long ago that he was Kiana's age. He'll be six in May!

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