Sunday, April 4, 2010

4 Months Old!

Yesterday our little girl turned 4 months old. We can tell she is starting to be more interactive with us a little more everyday. She has gotten really good at grabbing on to thing, especially moms hair and lips if you get close to her face. She has also turned into our little wiggle worm, she doesn't like to just sit still anymore, she likes to stand up. I think she wants to move around, she just hasn't realized that she can't go anywhere yet unless we take her. I'm sure she'll be moving on her own, in some fashion, in the next couple months.

In recognition of Tiger Woods return to the Masters Kiana wanted to show up in her best golf outfit! She's definitely the most stylish one in the family.

Thanks to her Grandpa Frank, who recently increased Kiana's book collection to a mini library, we got a new bookcase for all her books. Thanks to everyone who has helped add to her collection, we have starting reading to her almost everyday. The top shelf is a series of Walt Disney basic learning and moral lesson books that I had as a kid. Her Grandma Mary has done a good job at storing them all these years, besides for a few coloring marks they look like new, you would never know they're over 20 years old.

1 comment:

erin said...

She looks so much older this month. It is amazing to see the changes.

The bookshelf is adorable.