Saturday, April 30, 2011

March Update (15 Months)

Kiana had her 15 month doctors appointment this month. She was 18.75 pounds and 29.25 inches tall. She went up a line on her scale, she's now in the 5th percentile for weight and 10th percentile for height. With a 2 pound and 2 inch gain this has been Kiana's biggest growth spurt yet. I knew she grew a lot in the last month because when she was with Colin in Iowa she seemed not as short as when we saw them in Hawaii. Here's some pictures from the month.

Just showing off her crazy hair.

Grant and I took Kiana to Disney Princesses on Ice. She hasn't seen many of the Disney princess movies yet, so Micky and Minnie were her favorite part. She recognizes them from the cartoon. She did love all the action and singing though. Every time a loud noise would happen she would ohh and point "that".

Princess Jasmine and the Aladdin cast.

The show was almost three hours must have been good because Kiana sat still almost the entire time. That's pretty impressive for a girl that only has a 10 minute attention span during Dora, her favorite cartoon show.

Sleeping Beauty

Beauty and the Beast


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Having fun!

Kiana's showing off her new car seat. I was looking around for awhile for a good car seat that Kiana could use for the rest of her car seat days. I wanted a good one and the one we got is supposed to be one of the best on the market. Plus it can be used from a newborn up to 80 lbs. It also has the highest rear-facing limit, up to 40 lbs. Which means that Kiana could probably be rear facing till she's around 4 years old. I'm hoping to keep her till around 3, but well see. The only downside was that no one sold them in stock. So I had to purchase it online, thank goodness Kiana and I both loved it when it arrived.

Up until this point Kiana has still required her paci in just two places, the crib and the car seat. I had a little talk with Kiana when we were going in the new car seat. I told her that big girls don't use paci's in big girl car seats. So far she has been just fine and hasn't needed it. If only we could wean her from the paci for bedtime.

It must be pretty comfy, it didn't take but a few minutes before she was passed out!

We went to a friends kids birthday party this weekend. It was at a bounce arcade. Kiana loved the kiddie castle...the big kids weren't invading this one. ;)

She's come out of the front and just dive down the slide, she's pretty gutsy!

Mommy and Daddy were having fun taking her down the big kid slides.

Kiana has two sides to her...the organizer and the master of ciaos. I was watching TV the other day as Kiana appeared to be playing with all our shoes in our entryway. I couldn't figure out why she was taking them into the living room, until I looked over and noticed that she had brought them in and paired them up. Trust me they definitely weren't paired and organized in the entry.

Then the other side of her is the chaotic side. I call it the aftermath of Hurricane Kiana. Here's what happened to the other side of the living room, in just a few minutes. At least the coffee table is cleared off.

At the end of the month Grandpa and Grandma Johnson came out to visit. They were a big help and worked on clearing out our flower beds with us. I didn't get any before pictures, but they were pretty much a bunch of overgrown bushes and shrubs. We cleared almost everything out and re mulched it. Instead of using wood chip mulch like we had before we re used recycled dyed rubber chips. It actually looks really nice, and the color is supposed to last up to 10 years, instead of just two.

One of these days Kiana will realize that when we say cheese she should smile.

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