Monday, April 18, 2011

February Update (14 Months)

I know it's been awhile since I've posted, so I promise I will catch up! Ever since Kiana started walking on her own I've realized that I don't take as many photos of her. I think it's a combination of me chasing after her more and her not sitting still long enough to get a good shot! Here's a buch that were taking during the month of February! While she goes running when she see's the camera she has started sitting still long enough for me to put her hair up in pigtails. She's my pigtail princess now! Now that I can get it out of her face she is in no need of a haircut anytime soon. ;)
Happy Valentines Day!

For the last month or so Kiana's stacking blocks have been her favorite toy. She gets so excited everytime she see's them. Especially when you dump them all over!

Just being goofy for the camera!

In order to keep Kiana from constantly spreading all of her blocks all over the living room, I started putting them to the back of the chest where she can't reach them. I guess she outsmarted me when she showed me she could squeeze herself behind the chest!

This was a failed attempt to try to keep her clean when painting her Valentines Day cards! It was a two person job so we didn't get any pictures of her actually painting the cards.

More pictures just playing

She's actually tackling her puppy here! I think daddy does have himself a little football player!

Kiana started riding her car on her own! Kiana loves her new car, but daddy and I wish this was one toy that had a volume control. Oh well, whatever makes her happy.

Just showing that my precious little girl does have her screaming moments! Better watch out if she doesn't get her way...bring on the temper tantrums!

2 seconds later and were happy again!


Testing out her new Valentines Day present!

Kiana can't quite see over the front guard, so she spent most of the ride leaning on my arm.

This picture didn't turn out that great, but I saw this situation happening as soon as Grandma Mary let her have her treats for herself. Her expression is priceless and I got it just in time.

Here she is with her classic phrase, "That" and pointing to what just happened.

Grant's Grandpa Shorty sadly passed away at the end of the month. We took a short trip out to IA for the funeral. They had a great turn out with everyone in the family showing up from all across the country, and even 15 people from the Arizona family took the trip up for the funeral. It was great to see a really large family come together so positively for such a sad situation.

Here's the cousins just hanging out before pictures.

Grammy Cindy found an old Broncos outfit that Grant wore as a kid. The crazy thing is this outfit has been handed down through 7 boys and now Kiana is wearing it. Can you believe it is still in good shape?

This was the cutest thing. Kiana would jump on spencer then put her hands under her chin and flash a posing smile. A princess and a football player all in one!

It was a busy weekend, she was worn out by the end of the night!

Kiana found a new favorite toy...alphabet magnets! Here's how she spent a whole morning...put alphabets on the fridge, take alphabets off the fridge, put alphabets on the fridge, take alphabets off the fridge, repeat! Too bad our stainless fridge at home isn't magnetic!

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