Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Swim Lessons!

Kiana started swim lessons a couple weeks ago. The few time she's been swimming before, she seemed to love the water. So we figured we'd just get her a little more ready for our trip to Hawaii next month. Kiana seems to love it and relaxes in the water when I'm with her alone. Although once we get into the class and there are others around she gets really distracted and stiffens up. She hasn't disliked anyone in a long time, but whenever the teacher tries to take her she freaks out and clings to me. She's getting a little better each time, but at least we know she'll do good in the pool in Hawaii!

When were alone before class starts she's relaxed and will stretch her arms to paddle and kick with her legs. Once class starts she seems to want to cling to me.

Kiana got dunked for the first time this night. She seemed to do really good, but I think it was because she was really shocked at what had just happened. They were quick to move on to something else to distract them away from being scared.

Kiana's gotten really good at jumping in on her own!

She's supposed to be practicing pushing off, but instead she didn't want to let go of the side!

Kiana decided she was done with swim lessons, so here she is trying to climb out and escape!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fall Leaves!!!

We've been waiting for a nice day so we can start getting rid of all our leaves. Kiana was having a lot of fun at first, but then it started getting really windy. She wasn't enjoying the leaving blowing on her. Here's some pictures of Kiana playing in just one of our small mounds of leaves.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Costume Parties!!!!

Grant and I have gone to a couple costume parties in the last week. For my birthday we celebrated by going to a 1920's themed murder mystery dinner. It was a lot of fun, especially since we got all dressed up in 1920's gangster outfits for the night! Grant even went out and bought me a flapper dress to wear for the night! Guess we looked alright, because Grant kept getting asked what his name was. Everyone thought he was a part of the play! The dinner was put on by the Pueblo Community College catering and theater department. The murder mystery could have used a little bit more story line, but Grant, being the great detective he his, solved it and guessed the right murderer!

Here we are with some of the cast.

After the dinner they had a little dancing, as you can see other guests dressed up as well.

For Halloween Grant and I went to a poker costume party. Grant wore some inmate gear and got an alien mast. He is supposed to be an illegal alien! I borrowed a Army girl costume from a friend and change the Army info to ICE, so I'm supposed to be Grant's Immigration Agent.

What you can't see in the picture is that I was wearing fish nets with knee high hooker boots. They were my friends and three sizes too big, so I couldn't do much walking in them once we got there.

Just thought I'd throw a few pictures of our little explorer! If you have something to unpack or empty, she's the one for the job!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

11 Months Old!

Just one more month and our little girl will be a year old already! That seems so hard to believe, but we have sure had a blast so far! Everyday this last month she seems to becoming more and more like a toddler. She currently can get anywhere she wants and does go anywhere she wants. She loves to walk and wants to be on her feet constantly. She's usually spends most her time walking around the coffee table or her play table. Her favorite activities are still pushing her alligator toy around and clearing off our coffee table. I'm working on getting the house Kiana proofed, but everyday she reminds me that there are still things and places for her to get into. Were working on walking, but she doesn't quite feel confident not holding onto your hand. Although, she is getting better at walking while just holding onto one hand.

She's grown into most, but not all, of her 12 month clothes. Except for the clothes she's wearing below are actually size 9 month. She weighs roughly 16.5-17 lbs and is about 27-27.25 inches long. She's gonna finish off one more box of size 2 diapers then were moving into size 3. Kiana has been saying cat (most of the time it comes out as dat or gat), mom, and dad (I don't know where the mama's and dada's went). She is definitely expressing her voice more now. I'm starting to see the onset of temper tantrums. She throws her arms up in the air and smack them down again while letting out a scream. She even got pissed at me and threw her toys away when I tried giving them to her, all because I wouldn't let her continue to climb on me. It was a little hard for me not to just laugh at her. She's gotten into a habit of begging (moaning and yelling) at the dinner table. So we're trying to break her of this, because we have noticed that she is starting to become a not so restaurant friendly baby! She also started spitting about a week ago. Not very lady-like new habit, but she realized we weren't a fan when she projectile spit her food out at a restaurant the other day. Not sure if this is another possible teething symptom, but I'll believe it when I see a tooth come through.

We have realized that her favorite song to dance to is the Alphabet song! So I switch her toy below to a setting that just sings the alphabet song as you spin it. She also got to be a part of her first election on Tuesday. Here she is showing off her "I Voted" sticker!

As much as I love her wanting to snuggle with you, I can't even play with her on the floor anymore without her bee-lining to wanting to climb on me. She wont let me hold her though or put her on my lap, she just wants to climb on me.

Kiana is practicing feeding herself. At first she was doing it with her right hand, but quickly switched to her left hand. So maybe she will be left handed!!! She goes back and forth so often with different things that maybe she'll be ambidextrous.

Oops, she missed this time!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!!

We had a great first Halloween with Kiana! She got to spend two days dressed up as our little elephant. On Saturday afternoon Canon City's Fremont Arts Center held a Un-Haunted House of Fun. It was a fun event where little kids could play games to win candy. Afterwards the downtown merchants held an early trick or treat. Kiana made it a couple blocks, but after all the fun at the Art Center she was ready for a nap! It was a good thing we got to split the Halloween activities into two days!

Here she is getting ready for Saturday's events! We had to start out by reading her new Halloween book from Grammy Cindy while in our Skeleton pajamas.

Checking out her costume! She was a little confused at first about the big snout attached to her chest.

Can't forget the trick or treating pumpkin!

The following pictures are from the Art Center. Kiana wasn't quite sure what was going on the whole time, but Mommy and Daddy were having fun playing their games with her.

With the big pumpkin in one hand and the little pumpkin in the other, Kiana's wondering how she's supposed to grab the sucker!

Happy Halloween! Kiana's checking out all the candy she got from the day before!

On Sunday night Florence's downtown merchants where having their trick or treat. This is a great idea, especially for the little kids that don't want to spend a long time going door-to-door. Earlier in the day we went to The Abby to go to a truck or treat. The line was so long though that we just left. We'll wait to stand in a two hour line for a dozen pieces of candy when Kiana is old enough to be excited about it. So until we went down to Florence, Kiana did some early trick or treating at her Grandma Wilma's house.