Monday, October 11, 2010

10 Months Old! (a little late)

This last month has been a big one for Kiana! She's mastered crawling a few weeks ago, which means she is into EVERYTHING. Although it also means that she doesn't have to get upset when I leave the room, she can just follow me. At the same time I can't just leave her for a minute anymore, she has to be watched constantly now! She's gotten really good at walking behind her push toy and she can cruise around anything now. She's so proud of herself when she moves from the coffee table to the couch and back again. She's also become our little cleaner, or in other words if there's anything on the table within reach it always seems to end up on the floor. One thing that has made us sad is that she doesn't like to be held very much anymore, she wants to always be down walking or standing. She's also done eating baby food. She wont take any of it unless it's sweet potatoes, which as always been her favorite.

We didn't go to the nursing clinic this month, so I tried measuring/weighing her myself. She is somewhere around 16 lbs 3 oz and 26.5-26.75 inches long. She's had a big growing spurt this month, but I attribute that to all the yogurt, pasta and cheese she has started eating. She still fits into her 9 month clothes, but since it's starting to get cold she's been wearing her 12 month winter clothes. She's wearing 12 month footies and still outgrowing those faster then her regular clothes.

I needed to make room for her bigger sized clothes, so this weekend I cleared out her dresser and closet of all her newborn to 6 month clothes. I got one of those vacuum air tight bags so I could store them flatter, but it wasn't quite like what I was expecting. I guess if your flattening a pillow or a comforter like the commercials so it would work, but lots of little bulky clothes just become a squished bulky bag!
Here's the before...

and the after!

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