Thursday, May 6, 2010

5 Months Old!

Happy 5 Months Old Kiana! On Monday our little girl turned 5 months already! Time is going by so fast, but its so nice to see her change so much from month to month. We love watching her personality grow, and it's also fun to watch her slowly become more self efficient. At the beginning of last month she learned to reach and grab for her toys, so now if she wants it and it's within arms reach she can get it herself. As I mentioned before this led to her finding her toes. Now that she realized she can reach for things she attempts to reach for everything, sometimes this leads her to stretching and turning to her side if laying down, but if we have her sitting on the couch next to us this has also lead to a few nose dives into the couch. She definitely wants to move and will sometime get impatient just sitting, she just hasn't realized she can't walk/crawl/scoot/roll yet! Were working on sitting up on her own, but so far she just hunches forward so that her hands can be on the grown. She's not sitting completely on her own cause she'll still tip over or throw her body backwards, so I don't dare let go yet! She loves to talk to us more and more, she has started doing this constant humming, Grant likes to call it singing! Either way it's really cute and I love listening to her.

I took her in to weigh her on Monday and she weighed a whopping 12 lbs! She seems to be gaining only a 1/2 pound a month, but last month I was reassured my her doctor that she's perfectly healthy, just small and he has no concerns about her. Some say their supposed to double their birth weight around 4-5 months, but at this rate that won't happen till shes 9 months old. I'm sure once we start her on food next month she'll start gaining a little more. She's reaching all of her milestones, so far, a little early,she eats plenty, and has her baby rolls, so I guess we just have a little petite girl! I think her small weight actually helps her reach these milestones faster. I have done the weigh her, feed her, then weigh her again, and she gets what shes supposed to from me. We think she just has a high metabolism! :)

Last night we had some friends over for dinner, their little girl Brenna is 8 and 1/2 months old, Kiana was trying to pick up some tricks from her. She didn't seem to want to lay down and play while she was around! She also was sure interested in watching her hopefully we wont have any problems in a few weeks.

So is this the classic baby expression?

Here she is just playing, of course keeping one hand on her foot!

Here's how I catch her every once in awhile. Are we gonna have a roller soon? If only she could get that bottom arm out of the way.

It was Markie's, Grant god daughter, second birthday two weekends ago. It was Wizard of Oz themed and all little girls were supposed to wear red shoes. You know how hard it is to find red shoes for a baby? I was about to buy some glitter or sequins and make some ourselves. Well while we were home I just happened to find a store that still had xmas clearance, and the only red sparkly shoes left just happened to be Kiana's size. She's still in size 1's, a size most shoes don't come in. Kiana loves her sparkly red shoes, I'm sure she would love to wear them everyday!

1 comment:

will said...

I have the cutest niece ever!