Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Experiences!!!

Kiana learned how to play this week! She has learned how to reach for and grab onto her toys. Her favorite so far is her little dolly! She was actually given two of these, which is great because one can stay upstairs in her room while the other is downstairs with her other toys. She likes to grab her by the pigtails, hopefully this doesn't turn into pulling hair later! I also think she likes her because she is soft and she can put her in her mouth without whacking herself in the face. She's done this a couple times with her rattles. Oops!

Daddy also gave Kiana her first bottle the other night! Grant and I wanted to go out to the movies on Saturday night to see the premier of The Crazies! This is the movie that was filmed in Lenox, IA, Grant's mom's hometown. Since we were going to be gone we needed to make sure she would take a bottle fine so grandpa Frank could babysit her. She only fussed for about 10 seconds before she realized what to do. After that she took to it just fine. This would be the first time that I have been away from her for more then just a couple hours, I definitely had mixed feelings about it! I missed being with her, but also enjoyed being able to go out on an adult only night!
Here's Kiana just enjoying and talking to her ladybug mobile!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Cute pics! I love the doll's pigtails. How was the movie??