Monday, January 25, 2010

New Pictures and Her Closet!

I've been told by a few that I have been slacking on new pictures of Kiana! Sorry!!!!! Here are some that were taken recently. Last week Kiana started to give us some real smiles! She's been smiling at us since she was born, but I think we started to get some true smiles from her last week!!! It is very exciting to watch her begin to get more of a personality and understand what it going on around her now that she can focus better.

When Kiana was 5 weeks old I started to put her newborn clothes away and realized that I hadn't washed any 3 month outfits yet. So while I washed her 3 months clothes and put away the newborn Kiana took a nap under the blankets. This was probably the first time she was ok with being naked, and actually fell asleep!

I was told that I forgot to include an important part of her nursery in the last post, her closet! As you can see this little girl probably has more clothes then Grant and I combined! It's too bad she's growing out of them faster then we would like! Below is the left half of her closet.
Here's the right side of her closet!

Weekend Visitors and Hiking!

Last weekend Kiana was lucky enough to have more visitors. Her uncle Will made the trip out from D.C., and my best friend from MN, Heather, came out as well. It was a holiday weekend so it was the best time for both of them, unfortunately it was still a very short trip. While Will was here he was nice enough to help Grant put more insulation in our attic, something we keep saying were going to do every winter since we moved in our home. It's finally nice to have that done, hopefully it will help keep the heat in a little more. Thanks again for your help Will, we all really appreciate it. Hopefully well all be able to get together soon so Kiana can play with her cousin Colin!

We also got to try out our baby carrier last weekend. Heather and I took a trip up to Colorado Springs to walk around the Garden of the Gods. The park wasn't as big as we thought so we decided to take the long way back to the car. We must have read the park map wrong, because the road we thought circled around the park was actually heading us back into town. We eventually found the right road, but ended up walking and extra 5 miles or so through the hills. So we definitely took the long way back to our car, but Kiana didn't seem to mind as she slept in her carrier the entire time.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pretty in Pink!

This week marked a big milestone for Kiana, she is no longer a newborn! Well at least when it comes to her clothes. When she was one month old I tried putting her in 0-3 month clothes and she still looked like she was swimming. We also tried putting her in size 1 diapers since we had run out of newborns, well as soon as they got wet that created a mess, literally. On Sunday, just one week later, we went through another pack of newborn diapers and instead of buying another pack I decided to try the size 1's again, even though we have to fold them, they worked. So I decided to put her back into her 0-3 month clothes, only this time she actually looks like she fits now. She must have gone through a big growth spurt at five weeks old. I've taken some pictures the last few days in her new clothes and realized one thing, everything is PINK! She definitely is our pretty in pink princess!

In the last few weeks she has changed so much. She can follow us around the room now, started making cooing noises, which only means less crying to get our attention, and has become a real squirmmer. She realized she has arms and legs that she can move, and while she found her hands shes still trying to figure out how to use her fingers.

Nursery Update!

I finished her name letters this week, so yesterday Grant and I hung them up and took more pictures of her nursery. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Like a bug in a rug!!!

Kiana got a visit from her Grandpa and Grandma Johnson this week. It was a short visit, but it was nice to see them. Especially since they had to drive all the way from Missouri. With them they brought her a great present from her Uncle and Aunt Michael and Mary. They recently purchased a printing company and printed us a giant wall decal for her nursery. It is definitely the best part of her nursery. Since we have textured walls ordinary vinyl decal material wouldn't work, so they used us to experiment with a fabric decal material. It applied so nice to the wall that it actually looks as if it was painted on.

Grant and my dad spent half the day working on it. They wanted to make sure everything was perfect for our little girl.

Kiana was worn out from all the excitement!

Here's some more pictures we took this week.

Monday, January 4, 2010

One Month Old!!!

Can you believe our little girl is already a month old! This month has defininetly gone by too fast! Especially with all the wonderful visitors we've had and preparing for Christmas, it just seems like time has flown by, and our little baby isn't so little anymore. She is changing everyday, and much faster then I ever thought she would. When they say your kids grow up fast, isn't that the truth!

Last month when my mom was here we were looking at Will & Erin's blog since they just posted Colin's 5 month picture. I mentioned to her that I wanted to get Kiana a blanket with her name and birthday on it, just like Colins. Sure enough the very next day one arrived from her Uncle Will and Auntie Erin. I keep wishing for other things to arrive, but it hasn't worked again! We took thier idea of taking a once a month picture with her blanket. Since mom's activities are still restricted for just a little longer, and sitting around can be boring, I started doing crafts that I can do sitting down. It may have taken me most the day, but I made the little alphebet and number block to show the date and her age.

I tried weighing and measuring her myself, and she seems to be 8lbs 11ozs (up 1lb 1oz since 2 weeks). She still seems to be around 20 inches, maybe 20.25 inches if we stretch it, so after growing an inch her first two weeks, she hasn't really grown anymore length wise. Her head is definetly getting bigger though, now measuring 36.5 cm (up 1 cm since two weeks). Her next doctors apointment isn't until she's two months old, so I might try to go to Pueblo in the next day or so and get exact figures from the lactation consultants office.