Saturday, December 5, 2009

Welcome to our family Kiana Grace!!!

We left a family of two and returned as 3!!!

Daddy's little princess

Mommies snuggle buddy

Now I lay me down to sleep...

First ride home

Kiana's Birth Day Story 12.3.2009!
After entering our world on a wild ride, Kiana Grace is our precious miracle child! Her birth story is below! Sorry ahead of time for being so long!

On Wednesday December 2nd I had my last doctors appointment before my due date, at which my doctor agreed to help get my labor moving along by stretching out my membranes. I was already dilated to 3cm and at least 50% effaced so it didn't take too much effort on her part, but definitely not the
most comfortable experience. She suggested we had dinner in town and do a little shopping before heading back to Canon, just in case. For those that don't know I chose to deliver in Pueblo, a 45 minute drive from Canon City. Better doctors, better hospital!

At 5:30pm, just an hour later I started having mild cramping, which soon became mild contractions every 2-4 minutes apart. We decided to walk around the mall for awhile, as I wanted to wait as long as possible before going to the hospital, just to make sure they were the real deal. At about 9:30pm they started to space out to 5-6 minutes apart, but were definitely getting stronger so we left for the hospital, just in case. When we arrived I didn't have any change in dilation since my appointment so they said they'd give me 2 hours and if there was still no change they'd send me home. Even though my contractions were frequent and regular they weren't strong enough to do anything. I was determined not to go home so in order to get things moving I walked the hospital floor very briskly, not like the casual walking we did around the mall! Sure enough when they came back to check I was at 4cm, around 70% effaced, and my bag of water was bulging like a squeezed water balloon, sure to burst soon. So at 1:00am December 3rd I was admitted, and now it was just a matter of time before our little girl was going to arrive.

As my contractions did continue to get stronger they started to spread so far apart they were only coming every 10+ minutes and getting further and further apart. At 5:00am the doctor ordered me to be placed on a Pitocin drip, a hormone used to induce labor. At that point my anxiety went through the roof and I just knew I wouldn't be able to do it naturally anymore. No more then two minutes after they started the drip I felt what I thought was a vicious baby kick that made my whole body convulse. I scared Grant so bad he may have jumped more then me. My first reaction was that the baby kicked my bladder, cause I felt a little drip. It only took about 10 more seconds for me to realize that my water burst. That was definitely the strangest feeling I've ever felt, up till then! I felt like an explosion burst in my stomach. It also couldn't have happened at a worst time, just two minutes earlier and they wouldn't have ordered the Pitocin.

It only took a minute from my water breaking for me to go into hard labor. The contractions returned at full force and came every 2 minutes, and now I'm on a Pitocin drip to make them come even harder
and faster. At 7:00am, two hours into what felt like sheer hell, the nurse checked and I was still only at 4cm,
but now 90+% effaced. I was having an impossible time breathing deeply and my anxiety was rising that I wasn't able to get my body to relax enough to dilate more. Knowing that the IV pain medications are only really effective the first time I tried to hold out as long as possible, but with the disappointment of hearing I wasn't making any progress I just couldn't take it anymore. I was giving a dose of Fentanyl, which was suppose to take the edge off so I could relax a little. I also needed something that may help me sit still if I decided to do the Epidural. Unfortunately it did absolutely NOTHING!!! I couldn't take it anymore and ordered the Epidural.

At 8:00am the anesthesiologist finally showed up, Grant and my mom were kicked out of the room and it took everything I had to sit still for her while having hard and strong contractions, which felt non-stop at this point. While she
was very fast, something wasn't right because it didn't kick in like it was suppose to. I did feel a little tingle in my legs, but after two injections I still felt the contractions at full force. Soooooo, she had to do it again! This time it kickedin right away, so much so I felt like I could finally pass out and get some sleep, although I didn't yet!

Just after 8:30am my doctor showed up to check on me, I was actually pretty shocked as they usually only show up to catch the baby! She seemed nervous about my drowsiness and now I was dry heaving that she ordered internal monitors be done on me and the baby to get accurate
readings of my contractions, blood pressure, and babies heartbeat. As soon as they were done the Pitocin was removed and my doctor and nurse started moving very fast and suddenly there were six other people in the room. At the time I didn't know what was going on, but I saw at least 3 doses of Ephedrine being pumped into my IV and my legs were raised straight above my head. While my nurse was doing a good job at keeping me calm, my doctor was repeatedly hollering for the nurses to get anesthesia back in ASAP as this is their fault and they need to fix it. I guess all the medicine I was given with the Epidural caused my blood pressure to drop dangerously low, which also was causing our babies heartbeat to drop dangerously low. After the Ephedrine shotseverything seemed fine again and everyone except my nurse left, so I thought all was good. The other people in the room I guess were there ready and waiting in case my doctor called an emergency c-section to be done.

When everyone left my nurse stayed and was explaining to us what just happened, as Grant, my mom and I were all completely freaked out at that point! It was then that I knew the seriousness of the situation. It wasn't a half hour that my doctor and more nurses came back in, now about 9:30am, and again I was shocked to see her as I figured everything was ok so she left. She was just watching our vitals outside. My blood pressure was starting to lower again, but more importantly with
every contraction our little girls heartbeat was dropping dangerously low again. This time though her heart rate was dropping because she had the umbilical cord wraped around some part of her body causing it to shorten and get stretched as she came out, cutting off her oxygen. She checked my progress as I told her I started to feel a little more pressure. I was fully dilated to 10cm! While my last check was at 7:00am, they figured the Epidural that was given at 8:00am allowed me to relax my muscles causing me to dilate. So in an hour and a half I went from 4cm to 10cm. Even though our little girl wasn't fully descended they made me try and push. Unfortunately since they took me off Pitocin my contractions had spaced out again to at least 5 minutes apart. They let me push for 3 contraction, around 15 minutes, while my doctor tried pulling her out! After the third contraction we had no choice and couldn't wait for the next one, so she rushed me in for an emergency c-section! If the contractions were closer together we might have had more chances, but her life was now in danger and they had to get her out.

While I was rushed into the operating room and given more doses of the Epidural, Grant was rushed to get a gown on and wait for them to call him in. While in the room I hear my doctor say "you have two minutes before we're ready or we have to put her under", then she says "that's it she has to go under." I guess Grant heard her yell that they had to knock me out right before someone came and said he couldn't come in anymore. At that point he didn't know it was because they couldn't wait for the epidural to kick in and thought both our lives were in danger. At this point I now have three anesthesiologists is the room, ones checking my vitals, ones putting a mask on my face and one comes rushing over to me asking if I can feel any pain on my side. While I felt her touch me I didn't feel any pain, I guess she was poking me with a needle. So she says, "Wait do a test cut on her first, I think shes ready!" A TEST WHAT I thought!!!! YOU THINK???? When I didn't feel her "TEST CUT" they started surgery right away, so I hollered if my husband could come in. As soon as they rushed him in the head anesthesiologist tells him to take a look shes coming out! I've never seen Grant's eyes get so big! As soon as she was out they rushed her to get examined! All I could see out the corner of my eye was a slimy white squirming baby, but once she started crying all my fears and nervousness from the day were gone and that was definitely the happiest moment of my life! Grant brought her over for a second so I could see her, then they had to take her away and Grant stayed with her in the nursery. 2 hours later mommy and baby were finally united.

I looked on the board in the OR after we were done and saw that we entered the room at 10:01am, surgery begun at 10:07am, Kiana was born 10:08am, and surgery was completed at 10:17am. While we had a stressful ride we are proud to announce that on Thursday December 3rd at 10:08am a perfectly healthy 7lb 2oz 19inches long beautiful baby girl was born! Both mommy and baby got to go home Saturday afternoon and are doing great! More pictures to come!!!!


erin said...

Congratulations! Krystle, you did such a great job, we are so proud of you. Kiana is a beautiful baby... a perfect mix of both of her parents.


Uncle Will, Aunt Erin, and Cousin Colin

Stacey said...

Congraulations!!!! I am so happy for you guys and happy to hear that everything turned out great.



C Brown said...

Congrats!!!! She is beautiful.


poo head said...

Wow, what a story! Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your little girl. She is super cute!

I notice she is already wearing a bow, I hope she continues to wear them. I love them!

Becky &Brandon said...

Congrats guys! She is precious! Becky & Brandon Albano