Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Welcome Home!

Since Kiana's been home we've been adjusting pretty well to life with someone else running the show. It's funny how your priorities change, even Grant forgot all about football on Sunday! I didn't know that was even possible! In between changing, eating, sleeping, changing, eating, sleeping, etc... we've managed to take a few pictures of our precious sweetheart!

Checking out her new bed for the first time. Mom sleeps next to Kiana in her nursery until she starts to sleep in her own crib. With mom sleeping next to her she slept pretty good her first night home, she sleeps a good three hours or so. It also makes feeding more convenient while mom recovers from surgery.

Sleeping Beauty!

Checking out her floor gym! She seems to enjoy it, although her attention span doesn't last very long yet.

On our way to our first pediatrician appointment! She weighed 7lbs exactly, just 2oz less then her birth weight. She's gaining weight perfectly, since she was 6lbs 11oz when she left the hospital Saturday. 5oz in 3 days, we might have a little chunker on our hands soon enough!

1 comment:

erin said...

That purple outfit is adorable! Kiana and Colin will have to trade notes on the playgym...Colin still loves the Octopus.