Monday, January 31, 2011

Hawaii-Part 1 of 3

We're off!!! We were lucky enough to get a whole row to ourselves on the long flight out to Hawaii. From Phoenix to Hawaii the flight was seven hours. We weren't sure how Kiana was going to do, since she doesn't like to sit still anymore. I think during the seven hour flight she slept about a total of three hours, so we had more hours of entertaining a toddler than we had hoped for. After a lot of snacks and reading the same book over and over again we finally made it! Kiana had a very productive trip to Hawaii. The second night we were there she started walking on her own for the first time, she got her first tooth the second week we were there, she learned how to color a picture, and she got to swim in the ocean for the first time!

Kiana's first steps on the beach!

The ocean really scared her the first time the tide came up, but after a few time she loved it and kept wanting us to walk her closer! We were having so much fun playing in the water we almost forgot that her diapers aren't supposed to get soaking wet!

After a quick wardrobe change into her swimsuit we were back at the beach!

She's giving me her best Shirley Temple impression

The second week we were there Will, Erin, Colin, Denese and Hanna showed up. Not a bad location for a family reunion, huh?

Right after I took this picture I realized what the faces were for. Apparently the kids don't think sand tastes very good.

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