Saturday, July 31, 2010

Big bath!

Kiana getting trapped by the couch has become almost a daily occurrence now. One of these days she's gonna figure out how to go forward!

For the last few months she has been fooling us by acting like she's teething, but still no teeth! She really does like her teething ring though, especially when it's cold. Just thought I'd share some pictures of our goofy girl!

Now that Kiana is getting bigger, and especially since she learned to splash, she is moving into the big bath. For now I just put her baby bath in the big bath, but this will get switched out soon.

Enjoy the short video of Kiana playing in the tub!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Fun-Videos

Kiana may not be crawling yet, but she has learned that she can push herself backwards to get somewhere. Unfortunately she can never tell where she's heading. I'll be on the couch and usually I'll hear her get upset when she starts heading toward the dining room, getting further away from us when she wants to be closer. Although this time I heard her getting upset and looked to find her stuck under the couch! I couldn't resit getting the camera!

So I got the videos to start working and thought you would enjoy. Sorry the swimming ones are sideways, we haven't figured out a way to rotate them. So I guess no more vertical filming from our phones.

Here is a video of mommy tickeling Kiana. Everytime I do it now she just folds and collapses into me. Some may think this is mean, but it is too cute not to share.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer Fun!

Here are a few pictures from the past week. We went back to Baby Story Time on Monday. Between the bouncing around at story time and Grandpa Frank's and Great Grandma Wilma's horsey rides you can't even put Kiana on your lap anymore without her starting to kick to get you to bounce her. Grant had the day off so he got to check it out for the first time, and Kiana's friend Brynna came with too for the first time. So we got lots of good pictures this time. Brynna acted about as skeptic as Kiana did the first time we went.

We live off of a pretty busy street which happens to be just outside of Kiana's room. Up until recently they have had the street blocked off for road construction. I have enjoyed this greatly since now we can open Kiana's window at night instead of turning the air conditioning on. Usually if the window is open it sounds like there is a freeway below, but since the road construction we've enjoyed the peacefully silence. Early one morning Kiana was playing on the bed and they had just started jackhammering outside; I guess Kiana was pretty interested to see what was going on!

We've started swimming outside more frequently and Kiana has learned to love swimming. Auntie Erin was right...swimming does bring on the best naps afterwards.

I took some videos of her swimming and us playing with her but they don't seem to be loading properly. I'll keep trying and will post them if I figure out what the problem is.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Anniversary Celebration!

Last week Grant and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary. Grant surprised me with an awesome night on the Royal Gorge Railroad Dinner Train. We sat in the dome cart so we had great views of the gorge from inside the train. In the five years we have lived here, neither one of us have yet to take a trip on the train, we were both pretty impressed! They also have a murder mystery dinner cart. We figure that would be great to do in the winter when it's too dark to enjoy the views of the gorge.

Sorry the pictures are a little fussy, I didn't know we were going somewhere a camera would be useful. All the pictures were taken using our phones.

They had a special personalized name card waiting for us!

The train ride even came with it's own Aussie accordion player. He definitely reminded us of our Aussie friends, he had the same friendly free-spirited personality.

View of the Royal Gorge Bridge at Sunset!

1,200 feet sure is a long way up!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We had a fun and great time celebrating Kiana's first 4th of July. We spent the evening at a friends place in Pueblo and had a great time watching fireworks later that evening. The neighbors a block away seemed to have all gotten together with a hundred of thier friends to put on a pretty expensive show. We appreciated the free show while we relaxed in the front yard to watch, and shot off a few of our own. Kiana did so good! She was only freaked out a few times with some loud bangs, but otherwise enjoyed watching all the flashing lights.

Kiana's just hanging out with Markie and Jayden, Grant's friend Adonis's and Atalie's kids.

My little Miss America!

Watching the show all bundled up with mom.

Obviously she's rather interested in the fireworks!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

7 Months Old!

Our little girl turned 7 months old yesterday! She's definitely still our little girl. She weighed only 13 pounds 2 ounces and is about 25 1/2 inches long. So she's only in the 5th & 10th percentile for weight and height. I guess she's going to be a shorty like her mommy. This last month she's enjoyed trying all kinds of new foods. Fruits are definitely her favorite, no matter what it is, even prunes were a big hit. She'll eat her veggies first and when she acts full we'll give her a bite of fruit and she suddenly is starving for more! She also mastered sitting up finally. I'm pretty sure she's been able to do it for the last month and a half, but wouldn't give in till early this month. Once she figured out sitting she was able to learn how to balance herself, so now she can sit while playing with her toys.

I woke up one morning to find her sleeping on her stomach for the first time. We've been wondering when she was going to start this, because she'll roll all around in her crib.

About once or twice a month Kiana and I take a trip up to Colorado Spring to go to Baby Story Time at the public library. I started taking her when she was just two and a half months old, and she just loves it. They usually only read one picture book and rest of the time we sing nursery rhymes that interact with baby, then they play for about 15 minutes. Before she could take part in play time, she would just stare and watch all the other little kids. Kiana just loves the bouncing around and enjoys playing with other babies. Most of the babies that were there this time were within 5 and 8 months old, so Kiana wasn't the youngest, but most likely the smallest. The little girl in the yellow dress is actually 11 months old, she said her girl is tiny like Kiana. We haven't gone in about a month so this the first time I felt comfortable letting go of her in order to take a picture.

One of our friends is expecting a baby girl anytime now, Kiana is getting very excited to have a new baby play friend. A few weekends ago she had her baby shower, and the only thing she would ever tell me she wanted was diapers. This isn't her first kid so she has a lot of the main stuff already. I didn't want to just get her a pack of diapers so I thought I would do something more creative and make her a diaper cake. This is the first one I've make and thought it turned out pretty cute so I wanted to share it with you all in case anyone else needed a gift idea. The flowers are actually hair clips attached to headbands, then the flower on top is a rattle. It's being held together by a large bottle in the center of the bottom two tiers, then a large tube of butt paste between the middle and top tier.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cousin Time

Last week was exciting for Kiana, she got to meet her cousin Colin for the first time. Will & Erin took a trip to Colorado last week to attend a family wedding, so we were excited to find out they were coming down to Canon for a couple days. Kiana had fun playing with Colin, or should I say watching Colin crawl all around the house. Colin is your typical one year old, he wants to be EVERYWHERE! Kiana had to share her toy in order for him to sit long enough for us to take a picture where they were both looking at the camera.

Here's a few pictures we took while visiting Great Grandma Wilma. Kiana almost overnight mastered the whole sitting concept while they were here, or at least she gave up fighting me.

Although, it's a lot easier to watch Colin travel around when you're sitting instead of laying down.

"So that's how those thing work!"

Colin was doing a good job at sharing, he wanted to put everything in Kiana's mouth.

The second day they were here we figured we would try the baby pool out. I've been waiting till she sits good on her own, and I thought Kiana could learn from Colin how to play in the pool, instead of being scared of it. Here's my bathing beauty just waiting for mom to get going.

She wasn't quite sure what to think at first. Colin on the other hand is a natural.

The detachable butterflies were a big hit. I've learned that when it comes to a lot of things with Kiana, distraction is key.

The water isn't so bad!

It wasn't long before Kiana had had enough. Colin though would have stayed all day if we let him.

Since we left our sunhat inside, Colin was nice enough to let Kiana borrow his.

I remember the days when I'd go swimming all day and pass out on a lawn chair wrapped in a towel. Kiana hadn't slept so good in awhile. Maybe we'll be doing swimming more often.

See you guys soon, we'll miss you!