Monday, March 8, 2010

Our little talker!

Kiana has started to coo at us a lot more now. Grant and I are now able to take videos on our phones and thought we would try this out last night. She was on a roll and was talking back and forth with Grant for a good 10 minutes. Here's a short clip of her chatting away. Be sure to turn your volume up its pretty quiet. Now that we can do this we will try and put videos up more often.

Kiana had another first the other night. She was in her first car accident. Or should I say second, since her first was when I was 1 month into my pregnancy. Don't worry everyone is just fine, we were just stopped at a red light and the driver behind us bumped the back of us as she said she thought it turned green. I think my car is cursed, this is now the third time that I have been hit in the 2 and a half years of owning it, and all three times I was either stopped or parked. Maybe I should have the invisibility cloak removed. This video was taken the night after being hit so you all can be assured that Kiana is a happy, healthy, and safe little girl.


Alyssa said...

What a cute video! Baby coos are the best. Glad to hear everyone is ok after the fender bender!

erin said...

Kiana is such a sweetheart. I can't wait to meet her next week!

Grandma Mary said...

Grandma Mary is very proud of her smart and strong little pumpkin and sweetheart.
How exciting to see Kiana reach over and grab her arm and push.
I think she will be saying Kitty soon to your surprise not Da Da or Ma Ma.