Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Pictures!!!!

I've been taking a lot of pictures this week, thought I would just share them all at once with you all!

Kiana got a new hat, she's now our little Chia Baby!

Kiana has become really good at grabbing and wacking things around. I think she can see colors now or at least the color differences, because she seems to be more interested in toys she never noticed before.

She was worn out from all the playing earlier!

More Introductions!

Kiana got to meet her Aunty Erin this weekend! Erin was in Denver for a short weekend to visit a friend for her baby shower. Kiana and I drove up on Friday to spend the day with her; Kiana was very excited to meet her Aunt. She slept the whole two and a half hour drive that when we got there she was wide awake for the rest of the day. The pictures below were taken right before we were going to leave, so she was getting tired and wasn't as smiley as earlier in the day. Sorry Erin!

We actually got a little bit of snow on Friday, so I thought I would take some pictures of Kiana in her snowsuit "playing" in the snow on Saturday morning.

Monday, March 15, 2010

We're on a Roll!!!

Kiana did her first roll over a few weeks ago, but hasn't been able to do it again until last Sunday. She did it for me about three times that morning, but everytime I would try to get her on video or at least when Grant is home she wouldn't do it anymore. Yesterday Kiana and I went over to visit her Great Grandma Wilma, and since she was in a good mood I thought I would try and she rolled over right away. So now at least I had another witness and Grant couldn't say I was making it up. It seemed more like she would do it on accident, but couldn't do it more than once or twice in a row. Once Grant came over we thought we would try again. Sure enough I think she finally figured it out, because she must have rolled over at least a dozen times. Grant was able to get a couple of videos for you to see. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Our little talker!

Kiana has started to coo at us a lot more now. Grant and I are now able to take videos on our phones and thought we would try this out last night. She was on a roll and was talking back and forth with Grant for a good 10 minutes. Here's a short clip of her chatting away. Be sure to turn your volume up its pretty quiet. Now that we can do this we will try and put videos up more often.

Kiana had another first the other night. She was in her first car accident. Or should I say second, since her first was when I was 1 month into my pregnancy. Don't worry everyone is just fine, we were just stopped at a red light and the driver behind us bumped the back of us as she said she thought it turned green. I think my car is cursed, this is now the third time that I have been hit in the 2 and a half years of owning it, and all three times I was either stopped or parked. Maybe I should have the invisibility cloak removed. This video was taken the night after being hit so you all can be assured that Kiana is a happy, healthy, and safe little girl.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

3 Months Old!

Kiana celebrated her 3 month birthday today! It was also a special day as her grandpa Frank also celebrated his first birthday as a grandpa! Kiana has been growing up a lot this month. She's letting us do tummy time with her more now, she rolled over once (she did it so quick that she can't seem to do it again), she talks a lot more everyday, and she's even learned how to play and grabs on to her toys. Her little doll is still her favorite! She went to her first baby story time on Monday at the library in Colorado Springs. Kiana had her eyes glued to the other babies and just stared around wide eyed the whole time. We've also been working on getting her to sit up straight, that's going to take some time. She likes to sit up like a big girl, but going to need a little more strength to do it on her own.
Kiana also learned how to stick her thumb in her mouth more efficiently, unfortunately she hasn't figured out how to do it without poking herself in the eyes!