Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We have had many people comment this year on our pumpkin carvings, so we thought we'd share with you all! Instead of carving them ourselves, we decided to hire out the work and were able to find volunteers willing to work for food! We enlisted the help of the local squirrel community. Everyday they work harder and harder, and just a few days ago they moved from just the top pumpkin to all the others as well. They've even taken the stem off the first one! The jury is still out as to their pumpkin carving talents and wether or not they should just stick to nuts!

We were able to catch one of the culprits in the act!

Here's a recent picture of me taken at 35 weeks. Doc says our little girl would be safe from now on, so if for any reason I were to go into labor they wouldn't stop it! That's exciting good news and a little scarry at the same time. She's definetly head down now, which is great news since she was head up at our ultrasound just two weeks ago. She has been putting more pressure on me, although I don't think she has technically "dropped" yet. She has been pressing her butt into my lungs more and more everyday making it hard to breath.


poo head said...

Have you put something on the pumpkins to entice the squirrels or are they interested in them on their own? I have pumpkins on my doorstep but there are NO squirrels.

Enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy! Can't wait to see the little one.

LB said...

I love the pumpkins!! Darn little squirrels! Krystle you're looking great and I can't wait to see pictures of your little girl!