Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Welcome everyone! As encouraged by many of our out of state family, we have decided to start a blog so you can keep up to date with us and our future family addition. Most importantly though, is to share our excitement about our little girl who is expected to arrive around December 5th, 2009! Seemed like a good reason to start one! Check out our progress below!

3/26/2009 - WERE PREGNANT!!!!!

Our first doctors appointment was definetly one of the most exciting! From the second I found out I was pregnant I counted the days to our first appointment. Knowing that we were going to be able to see our little one and see the little heart beating was amazing! Even though our little one was only 0.5 inches long, it was clear there was a baby there with a very strong flickering heartbeat. As excited as we were it took everything we had to not tell anyone for another month!

First Baby Picture at 8 week ultrasound - our little KB (Kidney Bean)!
Image Coming Soon! Sorry scanner not working!

For the next two appointments our little one was hiding behind my placenta, which just happened to be covering the front of my abdomen. So hearing the heartbeat was not possible...we continued to have quick ultrasounds just to confirm the heartbeat was ok.

12 week ultrasound - our little KB turned more alien like! 1 trimester almost down, two to go! At this point we were in the clear and we started telling everyone. Even though I have been holding this secret for almost two months it has now just become real...now that our friends and family can share in our joy.

16 week ultrasound - our little one has two feet and 1o toes!
Image coming soon! Sorry scanner not working!

20 week official ultrasound
Finally the day has come for us to find out the gender of our little one! We got to have a more extensive ultrasound this time, everything appears to be normal and the best part was finding out we were having a little girl! At our appointment this week was also the first time we got to hear and not just see the heartbeat. What an amazing sound!

Sucking her thumb!

More defined feet!

It's a GIRL!!!!! Look for the three horizontal lines. Your looking at her butt, the two long white lines above and below "girl" are the leg bones, the arrow is in the space between her legs.

I made it to the halfway mark, 20 weeks! Up to this point I think I have been pretty lucky, I've only been plagued by a few days of being sick, and up to this point I've barely gained any weight. Although I'm sure that has to do with the fact that I have zero desire to eat or drink anything unhealthy, but at least I'm starting to look more pregnant, and not just getting chubby.
20 weeks 2 days

I've finally given up my regular clothes, maternity jeans have become a must! Everything has still been going great, she starting kicking me about 3 weeks ago, which Grant has been able to feel her as well which has been very exciting for him! So all this fluttering feeling people talk about never existed for me. She just started moving one day and there was no question it was her, especially when the kicks to the bladder started. So as weird yet amazing as it is to feel her, she likes to wake me up in the middle of the night and start kicking or punching the side I'm laying on until I switch sides. Then it will start up again a few hours later. I wish she would just pick a side already!!!
24 weeks 4 days
29 Weeks


erin said...

Krystle you look so cute with your little baby bump!

poo head said...

Hi Krystle and Grant! Congratulations! Krystle you look so cute! Your belly is perfect! I'm trying to count back and figure out if you were prego when you were doing so much housework at Cindy's in Lenox!!! Well congratulations again, thanks for sharing!

Alyssa (Allen's daughter in Phx)