Tuesday, May 17, 2011

April Photos (16 Months)

Kiana and I had a huge adjustment this month as I started a new job. I will be a Social Caseworker with Fremont County Department of Human Services. This is a complete change from the marketing world I have been in since college, but I'm really excited for this change and am glad that I will be able to start taking advantage of my Psychology degree. I've always wanted to do something with it, and since leaving my last job I have wanted to do something more meaningful with my next career choice. I was lucky enough to have this opportunity brought to may attention; I guess you really can do something with a Psychology Bachelors. So far I have just started my 7 week training, where I have to spend 3 days a week in Denver. It nice to get away and I love being in Denver, but I'm really missing my family back in Canon. I thought it would be easier for me to go back to work now that Kiana is older, but I think she's the one having a hard time with me being gone. Although she's fine all day long, once I get home she just screams and throws temper tantrums with me. Just when she started to stop after the first few weeks, I had to start being gone two nights a week. I hate leaving her, but it's nice to know that she's doing fine while I'm gone. It isn't until I return that I get to see her reaction, good or bad. It sure makes my day though after I was gone the second week and I came home to her running to me to hug me and give me kisses all over my face! Currently Grandma Mary and Grandpa Frank and Great-Grandma Wilma have been taking turns watching Kiana during the few days that Grant and I are both at work. Since Grant has weekdays off, for now, at least we're both not gone for five days straight.

Kiana's new joy is taking out everything that I used to store in the drawers of the coffee table. I tried baby proofing these months ago, but unfortunately they didn't work. So now all my assortment of random junk has become Kiana's new toys. She loves to take everything out then put it all back again. She could do this all day. Who needs toys when you have a house full of drawers that still open and explore in!

Kiana has become mommy's little copycat!

Showing off how she is mastering feeding herself! I still can't tell if she's going to be left or right handed. She uses them both for almost everything.

Showing off her teeth. Yet another trait she got from her daddy, and one he had hoped she wouldn't. Maybe once the others decided to grow in they'll all push together.

Happy Easter! We attended our friends Easter egg hunt again this year. Kiana was able to participate more this year than last.

Getting ready for the hunt! Can you see all the eggs in the background? Supposedly they put out over 3,000 eggs that were all picked up in less than 10 minutes! Crazy kids!

Kiana was still a little skeptic with the Easter Bunny that had a full bunny face, but she seemed better with this one, they had two at the party! It took a little persuading, but eventually we were able to get a picture.

It's egg hunting time! They had close to 40 kids this year; I think more would have showed up if it weren't raining.

Daddy sure has her trained! All we did was show her there was a football egg on the ground and she walked over, picked it up, and threw it! We didn't even have to tell her, she just threw it at daddy!

It was Markie's 3rd birthday this month and they celebrated by having a princess party. Check out that bouncer! As soon as Kiana saw it she did her classic, "OOOHHH, THAT!"

Kiana wanted to take part in the present opening, but she hasn't quite mastered the sitting still thing yet!