Monday, February 21, 2011

January Update

Ok so I'm going back to post some pictures I took last month. I'll catch up eventually. Kiana has grown up a lot lately. Her two front teeth have completely grown in and it's been about a month since she's been completely weaned from nursing. We tried weaning before going to Hawaii, but that was a little difficult. While we were in Hawaii I had managed to cut her down to just morning and bedtime and an occasional nap. The only problem was that Kiana was refusing to drink cow's milk. I didn't feel comfortable completely cutting her off till I knew she was drinking cow's milk. We had planned to push it more once we were home, although while we were in Hawaii we found out that my Grandma Verna suffered a heart attack. After we got back from Hawaii Kiana and I got right on a plane to Minnesota to be with my grandma. While we were there somewhere between the crazy hectic days and sleeping somewhere different almost every night the first week, nursing slowly diminished. Eventually it went to either morning or bedtime, then one morning I realized the last time I nursed was two morning before. She didn't seem like she needed it so we just went right to breakfast, and I hadn't gone back since.

They always say breastmilk is the best for keeping them healthy, so maybe it was a coincidence that within a few days of her being cutoff she came down with the flu. It wasn't bad at all and only lasted about three days, but definitely the first time she's "thrown up." Her's was very minimal & didn't seem to bother her at all. Once she was over it, I got the flu! I was miserable and completely worthless for a day, then I was fine.

Once we got home from Minnesota Kiana's flu and lowered immune system somehow gave her a yeast infection. It was absolutely horrible timing, because we just got her to liking cow's milk. She suffered from horrible diarrhea and a blistering diaper rash for almost three weeks. Her doctor kept reassuring me that it happens a lot during the transition to cows milk, and in combination with getting the flu she was pretty much doomed. I knew the milk was making it worse, because the days she wouldn't drink much if any she would be better the next day. Then we'd go back to milk and the diarrhea was worse again. By the end of the third week she was thankfully getting better. If it had lasted another week her doctor was going to start testing her for either a lactose intolerance or being allergic to milk protein. I didn't think she could be lactose intolerant, we haven't had any issues with yogurt, cheese or butter yet, so if she happened to be allergic to milk protein that wouldn't have been fun! So with all this fun and me not bringing the camera to Minnesota during the three weeks I was there, I don't really have many good pictures of Kiana during the month of January. Sorry!

If you click on the one below to blow it up you can see her two little bottom teeth.

Welcome to the aftermath of Hurricane Kiana! Now that she can walk around her toys seem to make themselves around the house as well! Her favorite toys to throw everywhere are her stacking blocks. So the picture below isn't as bad as it usually is, because the blocks are stacked and on top of the chest in the corner.

Welcome back to Minnesota! HELLO SNOW! Minnesota had gotten so much snow while I was there, I don't think I have seen that much snow since I was a kid! Grant came back for just a couple days to see my grandma and bring us home! We were so busy during the three weeks that I was there, time just flew by. I couldn't believe the improvement my grandma was making everyday, I probably could have stayed longer.
If the icicles weren't bad enough, the snow had drifted all the way up to the door. You can't tell from the picture, but the door is actually about 4 feet higher then ground level.
Grant brought the camera with him, so we were able to at least get a couple pictures the night before we left.
My grandma was pretty lucky when she had her heart attack, because she was at the grocery store with her older sister while it happened. Since they park in the handicapped section right in the front of the store a lot of people saw her fall and she was given CPR by a nurse almost immediately. She was put on a helicopter to the closet heart center where they put a stint in one blocked artery and put her in an induced hypothermic coma. Basically they dropped her temperature to 92 degrees for a day to reduce any possible brain swelling/damage. She stayed in the Cardiac Care Unit for 10 days where she was attached to every machine you think would be possible. After having to be intubated twice, they took the breathing tube out again on the 1oth day. She went from the doctors convincing most of my family that she was brain dead to two weeks later walking down the hallways at the rehab center. With all the exercise she's getting everyday she might be in better physical health now than before the heart attack. She is an incredibly strong woman that proved to the doctors that everyone is different, and people should at least be giving a chance to live.
Here she is doing her daily physical therapy
Kiana enjoyed walking down the hall with her. She'd constantly repeat "hey, hey, hey, hey". She was her little cheerleader!
The following pictures are some I took with my camera phone.
The Cardiac Care Unit was a pretty depressing unit! It's one step worse then the ICU. For Christmas all the doors in the unit had Christmas figures painted on them. I knew my grandma was going to be ok, because she had the angel on her door. She was being watched over the whole time. She was definitely in the unit longer them most residents, and from what I saw the room with Santa Clause was not a very lucky room. After she left I had to go back and take a picture to show her later
My grandma loves her family so much, I guess her way of getting all her kids together again was to put herself in the hospital. They haven't all been together in years.
I guess all her practice on her toy piano's is paying off. Kiana saw the big piano at my grandma's nursing home and went right to it. Maybe we'll have to invest in some piano lessons in the future.
Kiana got to meet her cousin Tanner while we were at the hospital. Kiana is just drawn to little kids I'm sure he was quickly annoyed by the little girl following him around constantly. Tanner is almost exactly a month older then Kiana, you wouldn't know it by looking at them together. Kiana is such a little munchkin!