Sunday, November 29, 2009

Baby Update!!!

39 Weeks 1 Day
Less than a week until my due date, and our little girl is growing bigger by the day! She's dropped a lot and everyday I think it could be the day, but we're still waiting. At my appointment last week I was almost 2cm dilated and at least 50% effaced. Getting closer, but they still stay it could be tomorrow or it could be at least another week, not much help. My mom came to visit last week to celebrate Thanksgiving with us, and to be here to help us out once she arrives, so now were just impatiently waiting!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

For my birthday Grant surprised me and took me to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. They have their Christmas concert every year in Colorado Springs and I have wanted to go every year since we've moved here. The concert was awesome! There was actually more singing and less Orchestra then we were expecting, but still amazing. It was our little girls first concert as well! ;) We weren't so sure how she was going to handle it, as it was very loud. She was definitely kicking, or maybe taking after her dad and dancing up a storm the first 15 minutes. It just took a little massaging her back for a while, and then she calmed down so I could enjoy the rest of the show. Below is a picture I took during one of the crazy light shows.

To see a video of the concert click on the link below.

Squirrel Update
So many of you have asked what's the deal with the squirrels, honestly we don't know. The little guys are getting braver and braver everyday. We were able to walk almost clear to the stairs to take the pictures below. It took them a little while, but once they figured out there were seeds inside they drill right though now. The pumpkins are actually getting to the point of needing to be thrown away, but since their still eating them we don't want to take their food away.

This one we took when we opened the front door. The little guy didn't even move, just stared at us and kept eating.

37 Weeks 3 Days
Here are some recent baby pictures of me. We're getting more excited everyday, and now that she is considered full term, she's welcome to come anytime now! Anyone have any suggestions on how to get this girl to want to come out?