Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We have had many people comment this year on our pumpkin carvings, so we thought we'd share with you all! Instead of carving them ourselves, we decided to hire out the work and were able to find volunteers willing to work for food! We enlisted the help of the local squirrel community. Everyday they work harder and harder, and just a few days ago they moved from just the top pumpkin to all the others as well. They've even taken the stem off the first one! The jury is still out as to their pumpkin carving talents and wether or not they should just stick to nuts!

We were able to catch one of the culprits in the act!

Here's a recent picture of me taken at 35 weeks. Doc says our little girl would be safe from now on, so if for any reason I were to go into labor they wouldn't stop it! That's exciting good news and a little scarry at the same time. She's definetly head down now, which is great news since she was head up at our ultrasound just two weeks ago. She has been putting more pressure on me, although I don't think she has technically "dropped" yet. She has been pressing her butt into my lungs more and more everyday making it hard to breath.

Friday, October 16, 2009

4D Ultrasound Video

Below is the video of our 4D ultrasound for our little girl. Sorry it is blurry, but I had to shrink the file size to be able to put it on here. Also, sorry the second half isn't as good as the first, she kept wanting to roll over on her stomach. At 12min 45sec you can see her little heart beating! When she starts measuring the heart beat the tall jumps in between every five or six little beat is actually her hiccuping. Her heartbeat was 143 beats per minute, she still seems perfect! In the office we were able to hear it on the screen, but I am a little disappointed that you can't hear it on the video. At about 15min 50sec, she gets her hands and legs out of her face and lets us see her face again, this time she sucking on her umbilical cord, but not to worry I guess they love playing with it! Hope you enjoy, and be sure to turn your volume on!

Visitors & 4D Ultrasound

This last week has been a very fun and exciting week. Cindy (Grant's mom), Will & Erin (his brother and sister-in-law) and their newest family addition Colin all came to spend the week with us. Cindy made the long drive down from IA and Will & Erin were gutsy enough to take little 3 month old Colin on a plane all the way from D.C. Apparently he did great though!

We took a trip to the local Pumpkin Patch which had a really fun corn maze! I always thought those were mainly entertainment for kids, but after 30 minutes we were starting to wonder if even the five of us could find the way out!

Colin got to be the first to break in our crib, I don't think he minded the girly ladybugs, dragonflies, and flowers too much though! He seemed to love and be mesmerized by the ladybug mobile! It was nice to see he didn't have any problem sleeping in it, especially since he doesn't sleep in his own yet.
You can see more pictures of their trip, just click on the link to their blog on our blog list to the right.

Yesterday was an EXTRA special and VERY exciting day! We got to see a glimpse into what our little girl is going to look like. She was very good and cooperated in the beginning so we were able to get some great face pictures, but after the first five to ten minutes she was getting annoyed at us poking her so she kept wanting to roll over on her stomach. By the way for all of you still not convinced, we got a great shot proving she really is a she! Possibly a future blackmail photo! :) I know were biased, but she is going to be a beautiful and precious little girl!